Jean Rondón

Current stack
About me
Frontend Developer with +3 years years of JavaScript experience and a constant interest in learning new technologies. I have solid experience in Frontend development, using technologies and frameworks like JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js. Additionally, I have skills in Backend development with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB (NoSQL). I consistently follow best practices in prototyping, clean architecture, SOLID principles, pixel-perfect, GitFlow, and agile methodologies. I am currently exploring to be DevOps, by doing projects with tools and technologies such as (AWS, CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Terraform)
IA Interactive | Mar. 2023 - 2 yr 0 mos
Frontend development and maintenance of projects implementing agile methodologies (SCRUM) and best practices such as SOLID principles, pixel perfect, clean architecture and using microfrontends practices with the following technologies and tools: Git, Bitbucket, HTML, CSS, SASS, Tailwind, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Redux, Jest, Storybook, Microfrontends and GitFlow.
I have actively participated in the development and maintenance of digital projects for a leading chain in the film entertainment industry with a presence throughout Latin America and Spain. In these projects, innovative solutions were used, including one based on microfrontends alongside Storybook, which enabled the creation of isolated, highly reusable, and easy-to-maintain components.
The projects were developed using Next.js and TypeScript, technologies that significantly improved efficiency, scalability, and code robustness. Additionally, agile methodologies such as SCRUM were applied to ensure continuous and efficient delivery, along with SOLID design principles to ensure clean and maintainable code.
Efforts were also focused on achieving pixel-perfect designs, implementing clean architectures, and following GitFlow practices for optimal version control. All of this contributed to delivering high-quality digital experiences for millions of users on the platform.
Freelance | Feb. 2022 - Mar. 2023
Design and development of web pages applying agile methodologies, clean architecture, SOLID principles and pixel perfect in all projects, I have developed almost all types of projects from Landing pages, stores, blogs and dashboards.
Studio Iluxion | May. 2022 - Jul. 2022
Web designer and responsive web designer on projects using Figma, HTML, CSS, SCSS, SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery implementing SCRUM, pixel perfect and clean code.
A look at all the programming languages, libraries, and tools I've worked with, I started programming about +5 years ago. I have tried a few programming languages and technology stack, both Backend and Frontend.
Event though the scope of web development is wide, I was very interested and focused on Frontend development.
Frameworks and libraries
JavaScript libraries
HTML and CSS Preprocessors, styles component and motion libraries
Backend stack
Softwares and tools
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